Tag Archives: taking care of yourself

Getting My Act Together

My new electric meat slicer was delivered yesterday. I reorganized part of my kitchen counter so the slicer is now on an easily moveable place mat so I can slide the slicer out a bit for use, with a NON-slide place mat on top of THAT so the slicer won’t slide when I’m using it. :0) I just ordered a cover that’s made for this particular slicer, rather than the towel I’m using now. I’ll read the manual for this later today.

Here’s the cover.

I’m set up now so I can cook and slice most any meat to eat for my lunches, taking the place of the deli turkey I THOUGHT was healthy, but turned out to be sky high in sodium. (Same with salami. )

I did find some lunch meat that’s half the sodium or less than what I’m finishing up now while I’m gearing up to do all my own.

I also found some low carb, much-lower-sodium frozen dinners at Stu’s Clean Cookin’ in Greenwood. I will try all of these, but some are higher sodium than I would like for the long run. It will depend on how the food changes come together (shown clearly on MyFitnessPal.com) before I make long term decisions.

Meanwhile, my doc has increased my thyroid hormone dosage, so that should help, as well, though it will probably take several 6-week trials before we zero in on my new good dosage.

I’m finally getting my act together on eating healthier, plus I’m working in the yard most every day and doing a session of yoga stretching in the afternoons at least 3 times a week if not every day. Hopefully, the lard will start coming off in a more steady manner and my next routine blood tests in October will show significant improvement. :0)

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Filed under DIET!, Changes, Challenges, exercise, taking care of yourself

Searching and Adapting


I’m trying to eat 20 or less grams of carbohydrates per day. I’ve cut out added sugar, and try to buy no-sugar-added or zero sugar products. I’ve cut out most starches, like most everything white (potatoes, rice, pasta). I’m not eating desserts.

I told you recently that I’ve discovered I’m eating too much salt, even though I quit sprinkling it heavily on almost everything I ate for years. (This has been a huge, difficult change for me). I have now found that even though I’ve stopped adding salt to everything, I’m eating it IN the food I’ve been eating – particularly deli meats.

I found an article that listed some much lower sodium lunch meat offerings, including the brands of Boar’s Head, Hillshire Farm, Applegate Naturals, and Oscar Mayer. Today, if we get to the store, I’m going to look for these with my lower sodium “READ-THE-LABELS” cap on firmly. Meanwhile, I’ll buy some frozen turkey breasts to cook. I have ordered an electric meat slicer that is supposed to be delivered Friday, since it looks like I’m going to be cooking and slicing my own meats for lunches in the future.

As of this morning, I’m 24 pounds down from my heaviest (nothing to write home about, but a good start). This new emphasis on avoiding sodium might result in decreasing many of the bad effects of eating too much salt, as well as hopefully resulting in a steadier loss of the lard.

“Eating healthy” is a very complicated subject and seems to be different for each of us. Cooking for two complicates things, as things I’m willing to change my husband firmly isn’t. I’m trying to research and improve what I’m eating or avoiding to make the best result for me.


Filed under DIET!, taking care of yourself

Hopes Dashed, But Not Gone

Ronak Valobobhai – Unsplash.com

As you know, I’m in a never-ending effort to lose the lard. I’ve been logging what I eat on MyFitnessPal.com in an attempt to eat mindfully, keeping my carbs for the day at 20 grams or below.

I suddenly ‘realized’ (I know, I’m slow on the uptake at times) that even though I’ve given up adding salt to anything except the hard boiled egg I eat with lunch, I’m eating too much sodium. This is carried by the deli turkey I eat, mostly, which I thought was healthy.

I looked up “low sodium deli meat” and found a couple of brands I recognize. I went to a new store (DG Market) in Greenwood that just opened because my computer said they carry Boar’s Head Lower Sodium Meats. There were a couple of refrigerator areas not yet stocked, but they didn’t have ANY of the choices on the careful list I had with me. :0(

I did another search this morning, finding that I MAY be able to find them in the meat section of the store that has pre-sliced meat in small tubs. I’ll try that next, wearing my careful-reading-labels-hat when I go.

If I can find some low sodium deli type meats, I’ll try some. If I can’t, I plan to buy a couple of frozen turkey breasts. I keep one frozen and cook the other, slicing it myself. I’ll also look for an affordable meat slicer, since it looks like there will be a lot of that in my future of trying to avoid salt.

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Filed under DIET!, taking care of yourself


Karin de Haas – Funda Altincekic Aysel

Learning to savor is a skill that keeps on giving. If you can learn to slow down and really SAVOR what is right/good/enjoyable in your life, it somehow accumulates inside you, making the bad/sad/challenging stuff easier to deal with.

I’m lucky because there are many things in my life to savor –

  • Since I am needing to spend 24/7 time with my husband for various reasons, I savor the good days, the many nice things he says and does, and the fact that we chose each other long ago and have shared our lives.
  • I savor making time to be ‘alone-while-here’ (if that makes any sense) finding ways to relax, such as – my yoga stretching sessions, reading, time in my art room, working in the yard, listening to music, finding new things for the blog on the net, learning new things, daydreaming…
  • I’ve always felt that my family and friends are the best parts of my life, but I savor time with them and communication even more now.
  • Laughing is something I’ve savored my whole life. In fact, I consider a healthy sense of humor and the ability to stand back and see the humor in a lot of situations a survival skill. I love X (formerly Twitter) because many of the people I follow either make me laugh or find and post things that do. I’ve found a wonderful group of people to follow who are also quite creative in other ways – photography, painting, drawing, writing, and more. When I need a boost, spending time with my connections there improves my mood immensely.

Gathering things that bring you joy and savoring them is essential to your well-being.

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Gregorio Catarino – @gregcatarino1 on X

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Thursday Thoughts 4-25-2024

Toa Heftiba – Unsplash.com

I leave shortly for my massage. I’m really looking forward to it. The first reason is that I really enjoy how I feel when Lynn Moody, my wonderful massage therapist and friend, finishes wielding her magic. She finds and gets rid of the areas I KNEW were hurting as well as those I hadn’t realized yet.

Second, this will be the first time I’ve seen her new place! The city is demolishing (or may have already demolished) the house she was using for massage sessions. She had to be out by April 1st. She is now working out of a really nice retirement place in Greenwood. It also happens that my good friend, Linda, from the former Lunch Bunch, LIVES there. So, I’m going to see if I can find Linda when I finish my massage. :0)

The skies are really dark, with coming “heavy rain and thunderstorms” this morning. I’ve already had my shower this morning, but I may get two more – one getting from my truck to the front door of the retirement place, and another when I leave. Good thing I spent so many summer teaching swimming lessons. I may need them today.

I got another planter weeded and pruned yesterday. I’ll write more blog posts after lunch and show a picture or two – unless we’re being blown away by the possibly severe weather.

Stay safe, dry, and warm wherever you are.

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I’ve been logging in at MyFitnessPal.com daily for 40 days, trying to be more mindful of what I’m eating, my exercise, my water drinking, etc. I’ve been following the keto eating plan for approximately half that time.

I’ve decided to make myself accountable once a month to keep my head on straight and stay on my way to many goals. I don’t have any particular goals on weight and measurements. I need to lose my lard – a lot of it – but I’m making mini-goals in 5-pound-increments to keep it doable in my mind. I’m trying to practice my yoga daily for half an hour, adding working in the yard outside, or heavy days of cleaning inside, lately, or future plans of using my elliptical machine in the garage when I can, or adding exercises with dumbbells to add strength, all in an effort to be stronger, more flexible, with better balance, less apt to fall.

Toward these goals, I am down 23 pounds since my heaviest. I have two pounds to go to meet my latest 5-pounds-lard-off goal.

February yoga practice
March yoga practice

Today I measured, since I have finished a full month of daily yoga in March plus another several days starting in February. (Can you tell that the sparkly stars on my calendar are a big motivator for me?)

Measuring shows a loss of .3 inches from my hips and a loss 1.5 inches from my waist.

So, bit by bit I’m making some slow progress. (I have to tell you that last night my husband and I were so grateful that we were still alive, relatively in one piece, and relatively healthy that we ‘celebrated’ with a dish of no- sugar-added vanilla ice cream. My husband added some fruit to his and I added some chocolate syrup to mine. This will be the last celebration for the foreseeable future. :0) )

I am now promising myself (and you) that I will report progress – I hope – again at the end of April.


Filed under Challenges, character-building exercises, exercise, taking care of yourself

Quick Note


I’m leaving for a much-needed massage. I’ll write more when I come home, happy and limp as a noodle, from Lynn Moody‘s Healing Hands. 479-629-7601. Ahhhhhhhhh!

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Home Again


I had my husband get the mail while I fought with the trash can as we left this morning. It was raining, but my new ‘zig-zag’ pattern on rolling the trash can to the bottom of the driveway is working. I only felt I was skidding once.

It started to snow as we started to town. NOOOOOO! The forecast said light rain this morning, more this evening possibly changing to a dusting of snow overnight, mostly in NW Arkansas. Not NOW! Not HERE! It snowed on us almost all the way to Walmart, then let up. It rained on us again as we came out, almost as if a faucet had been turned on.

We stopped at the local grocery for the ‘bowls’ we love so much from the deli there. We’ll have them for lunch soon.

Now we’re home, snug as a bug in a rug. Of COURSE the rain has stopped.

BUT – the trash has been handled, the mail collected, and we have supplies for whatever does – or does not – fall from the sky overnight.


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Beautiful Tuesday

Viacheslav Lakobchuk – 123RF.com

Today our weather is absolutely gorgeous. I’m about to go do several errands, and it will be a delight to be outside. It’s 44 right now, and the forecast is for 65 this afternoon. The sun is shining. GORGEOUS!!!!

My husband and I are learning to function on very little sleep at night. We’re lucky to be able to catch cat naps during the day, so things are improving there, as well.

So far, my husband has not tried to do things he shouldn’t, so I’m beginning to think I MIGHT be able to spend some time in my art room this week. I’m going to see if I can find another good video on techniques for wood burning to get the juices flowing. :0)

I hope things are going well for you today.

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Filed under Challenges, Mother Nature, taking care of yourself

Sunday 1-28-2024

Charlie Harris – Unsplash.com

Good morning. I need to warn you that you’re reading the words of a zombie, pretty much, since it’s been a week now since I got a regular night’s sleep. A week ago today my husband fell on the ice at the bottom of our driveway, breaking his collar bone.

We catch cat naps as we can, all day and all night, trying to sleep in our recliners. Sleeping well was a challenge before my husband hurt himself because that seems to go with becoming more ‘mature,’ but now we’re pretty much hopeless. We’re just glad for whatever we can get.

Each day is a bit better. He’s now saying he wants to quit wearing the sling. I simply told him I thought that it would slow the healing process and increase his pain, but that he, of course, could do whatever he wants…

Our son researched healing from bone breaks, bought and sent some high doses of Vitamin C and D-3. I’m giving these to my husband morning and night now.

I hope that your Sunday is a nice one.

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Soggy Saturday 1-27-2024


I’m so glad we’re dealing with rain, rather than ice or snow.

My husband, who broken his left clavicle on the 21st, is now talking about not wearing his sling after a couple more days. I – having lived with this man for some 54 years now – simply told him it would take longer for healing, but that it was up to him how long he was incapacitated. Meanwhile, I’ll try to contact the orthopedic nurse on our portal to see if I can get some backup.

Our son, who lives across the world from us, bought and sent us two kinds of supplements to help him heal. I’ll start incorporating them into his meds today.

My husband is basically just moving from one room to another on the first floor until further notice. He’s doing that more easily now, plus sneezed and told me it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as previously, so there is definitely progress. We are still trying to sleep in our recliners.

He requested spaghetti, so I’ll make that for tonight.

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Friday 1-26-2024

Hans Isaacson-Unsplash.com

I have absolutely NO complaints about our gray, rainy weather. It is NOT ice. It is NOT snow. I can drive up and down our driveway without risking myself or my vehicle. I can do what I need to do. :0)

My husband is getting around better since breaking his collarbone on the 21st. He is at the computer now, watching YouTube videos. He’s a bit better each day, and so far is being careful not to hurt himself further. I’m staying close by, since he only has the use of one hand and arm.

I will make a dash today to get supplies, lunch from the deli (my husband’s request) and our mail. That’s it for ‘out’ today. I called our friends about not being able to come to Lunch Bunch and about my husband’s fall.

I’m grateful we can handle what happened ourselves. In fact, all I need to do so far to keep my husband in line is tell him that I am happy to try to hire someone to help him. :0) MEAN woman….


Filed under Challenges, taking care of yourself


Amber is worried. She senses something isn’t normal around here, and she is following one of us – and then the other – closely, trying to be everywhere at once.

BEFORE injury

She cries if I put her on the other side of the dog gate. I only do this when I’m trying to help my husband get out of his chair or back into it, etc. (He broke his collarbone falling on the ice Sunday, January 21st. He doesn’t need surgery and recovery time is approximately 10 to 12 weeks. He is learning how many things he does that affect the muscles in his left shoulder, how much he uses his left hand, and how MUCH it hurts to sneeze, cough, or laugh.)

He insisted he wanted to sleep upstairs in our bed last night. Nothing would convince him to change his mind. We went to bed around midnight. I basically lay there with my eyes closed, but was trying to stay alert to help him if needed. Around 2 am he said I was right (!) :0( and that he couldn’t get comfortable in the bed. He then learned that he uses is left hand to hold onto the stair railing. We slowly and carefully got down the stairs and back into his chair. We basically slept – where we could rest – from 6am to 8.

He is stronger this morning and was able to get out of his recliner carefully by himself. He looks more alert. I’m hoping he will take several naps whenever he is sleepy.

Again – BEFORE injury

Amber wants to sleep right in front of his chair. We have already made it VERY clear she is NOT considered a lap dog (97 pounds) and that my husband is very happy with her beside him, rather than in his lap right now. If we insist she get in her “place” on her bed across the room, she watches him, alert to any movements. (usually she does this only when he has food, but now it is really concern for him.)

I keep trying to reassure her. I guess in this case, seeing is the only way she will be believing.


Filed under Challenges, taking care of yourself

Figuring it Out

Bowditch & Dewey-LynettePaczkowski

It’s been quite the night and morning.

Since my husband broke his collarbone falling on the ice in our driveway Sunday morning, we’ve had x-rays and seen an orthopedic surgeon, who said my husband could heal without surgery. With surgery or without, the recovery time is 10 to 12 weeks.

After fighting with my husband (we don’t even use the same salt :0) ) he has agreed for now that we will stay downstairs. He’s still in quite a bit of pain on ANY movement and only has the use of his right arm and hand until further notice, making any normal activity quite difficult. We are sleeping in our recliners, getting as much rest as possible, which so far isn’t much. Thank goodness we can both take naps any time we need it.

Breakfast, morning chores, sitz bath, change of clothes, meds, and back in the chair took until 10:30 this morning. He is taking a nap in his recliner right now, and seems to be as comfortable as possible. While he’s doing that, I’m doing laundry, cleaning up the kitchen, figuring out food, etc.

It’s amazing how quickly your life can change. I’m so relieved this wasn’t any worse and that we can let this heal on its own. We are adapting slowly to the new normal. I’m walking kind of a tightrope right now, between helping and stepping on pride. I’m wishing I had a magic wand to make him feel better.


Filed under Challenges, taking care of yourself

Good Girl!

Country Living Magazine

My hygienist patted me on the head yesterday! I’ve always cornered the market on building tartar. It used to be that the hygienist had to use the ‘water torture’ gun to try to power wash the stuff off, followed by the use of all her tools that break it off, pry it off, scrape it off, etc.

On my previous appointment, I had been using tartar control toothpaste and I had switched to a Sonicare toothbrush. That made it so that the pressure washer wasn’t needed, but it was still a laborious process to get me to a reasonable state.

THIS time I had changed back to my previous toothpaste and changed to a different Sonicare toothbrush when my previous one died. Lots of flossing. No power washer, little work with tools. She spent more time polishing my teeth than the whole rest of the session, saying, “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it! No signs of oral cancer (my mom died of that). Whew.

To cap everything off, the weather people were wrong. They had predicted snow showers. We only got a few flurries, having no trouble – other than my husband’s aggressive driving – getting there and getting back. I’m delighted the bad stuff didn’t find us. HOOORAAAAY!

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Blowing My Head Off

Medicine Plus

Yesterday I had what I call, “The Day of the Allergy.”

I’m not allergic to anything. Really. I’ve always been really thankful that I don’t have to spend a lot of time blowing my nose and sneezing my head off, like so many other good people.

Yesterday that changed and I tried to catch up to other allergy sufferers. .

I’m not exaggerating much when I tell you I sneezed so often I simply stopped trying to do anything else but have another kleenex ready. I see on my computer screen all of a sudden that there is ‘high pollen’ today. Maybe that’s my problem, but it’s weird that it would show up NOW, when I’m older than dirt.

I certainly got my exercise with all the sneezing. It stopped long enough in the afternoon that I got my yoga practice in, but I have to admit that all I did yesterday was curse and sneeze – a somewhat ‘colorful’ combination….

Today I’m fine. Or at least I haven’t had any problems yet. I did take two allergy pills last night in desperation.

Anyway, the mystery continues. I hope that you are not suffering from this, or that you handle it with more grace than I.

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Feeling Old and Creaky

Rivercity Pilates

Yesterday I went out and did about 20 minutes of pulling up small “weed trees” beside the shop. I’m trying to get these pulled by hand because they are too much for the wire in the weed whacker. Even though I only did that one session, my back hurt so badly when I was cooking dinner I had to ask my husband to come stir the chicken I was browning.

I’m going to redouble my efforts today on my yoga. It’s taken a back seat to my yard work, and my body is apparently telling me that is a mistake. I need to make time for both. I have to learn this lesson over and over – being a bit slow-witted – learning that the stretching and relaxation is essential to my well-being. :0(

@Britton65Sam on X

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Filed under exercise, Funny Signs - Humor, taking care of yourself

Nice Day


I just got home from my massage and the tight, tense pretzel I was has been replaced by a happy, smiling woman. Lynn Moody performed a miracle and once again loosened or kneaded away my knots and tight muscles. I’m going to fix us some lunch and then will probably take a nice nap. :0)

Things are quiet. It’s 85 degrees, so I shut the doors and turned on our a/c for the afternoon. We’re able to either leave the doors open or keep the thermostat on the a/c up higher these days, so that’s a good thing, too.

I haven’t decided how I’ll spend the afternoon, other than my sloth-like nap. It’s nice to have a day where I don’t have any ‘have-to’s’. The ‘shoulds’ are piling up, so I’ll see if I can knock at least a couple of those out today.

I hope that you are having a really nice day, too.

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I wanted to warn you about a scam.

I received an email today telling me that a company would be automatically renewing my service contract with them. They named the amount. The company was someone we have done business with in the past. They said that if I wanted to renew I needed to do nothing. If I didn’t want to renew, I was to call the phone number.

Neither my husband nor I remembered having signed up for a contract, but we certainly didn’t want whatever it was renewed, so I called the number. The connection was terrible. The man seemed to be from India, but the connection was SO bad he said he would call me right back and see if the connection was better.

I decided to get online and contact Customer Service so I could make sure I wasn’t charged. I was asked several questions about the email I received, and I was told it was a scam. The agent gave me the url ftc.gov so that I could report the scam, which I did. I’ll watch our credit cards to make sure the charge didn’t go through, and if it was, I’ll contest it, even though it will probably mean changing our credit card again – something I truly hate.

This was a slick scam. The writer of the email had the logo of the company on it. He knew my email address. Even though I consider myself reasonably vigilant, I fell for this one. Be careful.

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I’m leaving in just a minute to get my monthly massage. My mind and body are more than ready.

I’ll catch up to you when I get back.


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Roller Coaster

Sea World

I think I MAY have solved the problem of continuing to receive a medication for my husband at a price we can afford.

We reached the ‘donut hole’ for the first time in our medical coverage. We would need to spend another $7500 this year in order to make our way out. If we DO spend that much, paying for prescriptions won’t be the largest problem! The prescription price for this med had quadrupled!

I reached out to our supplemental coverage and they agreed they could provide one month of the medicine before we actually reach the donut hole. I reached out to AstraZenega, filled out the form for financial help, only to be told on the insurance page – almost the last page on the form – that we didn’t qualify because we had supplemental coverage.

Since our doctor says this is the only medicine that will do what my husband needs, it’s important that we get it. I was told they no longer provide written paper prescriptions. I wrote again, explained that I can found a possible source we could afford, but we needed the paper prescription. Otherwise, my husband would have to do without the medication. She answered today, saying it would be waiting for us at the front desk. She also warned us that many places will not accept paper prescriptions anymore.

I thanked her profusely. We will pick it up tomorrow and start the procedure to see if the source will accept the prescription or not. It’s always something, but at least in this case, there is hope.


Filed under Challenges, Changes, character-building exercises, taking care of yourself

Rabbit Pellets


This morning was DAY ONE of eating Fiber One Cereal. We put blueberries and milk on it.

My husband and are are of the same mind – the rabbit-pellet-looking cereal has very little taste. I was very happy for the blueberries. The cereal wasn’t objectionable in any way, other than making me feel like a rabbit eating Purina Rabbit Chow.

The fact that one serving is 18 grams of fiber is really important to us. The fact that it contains NO sugar is equally important. That outweighs any other considerations, and we are super grateful.

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Filed under DIET!, taking care of yourself


The only thing worse than this is having to do it with what I consider super small type fonts.

Yesterday I signed up for a 6-month membership at a site designed to help pre-diabetics (me) and diabetics (my husband is Type II) manage their condition better – better information, diet plans, exercise advice, menus, etc.

I spent several minutes trying to read a ‘free gift’ booklet as an introduction. I finally figured out a way to enlarge the font so I could read it without my glasses (and worse – a MAGNIFYING glass) to better see the diagrams. I thought about writing a nasty note, and then figured they would probably refer me to an optometrist…

My take-away from all this is happiness that I am in good enough health to LOOK for ways to improve it, and the smarts and determination to figure out how to make the information I found work for me.

I’ve now added the site to my computer, signed up, and also added the app to my phone. I ain’t dead yet. :0)

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Filed under Challenges, taking care of yourself


Forwarded by my friend Marsha

She and I are trying to encourage each other in our efforts to lose the lard and exercise.

She has lost a pound or two already recently and purchased a peddler that she can use several times a day, rain or shine, to try to build muscle and stamina. Huge kudos!

I, on the other hand, am a dismal failure. I do pretty well, and then my husband, trying to be nice, brings me a dish of ice cream with chocolate syrup. Or, failing that excuse, I decide I’m starving to death mid afternoon and have some pretzels, even after drinking a bottle of water first and waiting to try to curb my hunger. I’ve also been using my meager yard work as a substitute for my yoga practice. Bah. Humbug.

I’m trying to do one day at a time – even one morning at a time. I’ll try to get my act together VERY SOON – if not TODAY…


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Filed under DIET!, exercise, taking care of yourself

The Ouches Have It

Cornerstone Naturopathic

My husband and I had a contest yesterday (of which we were unaware) on who could mess up their back more. I was doing more weed whacking sessions in the yard and he was doing something in our shop.

We finished up about the same time. He helped me wind up the long cord for the weed whacker and put it away. We each got a drink and rested. I was stiff and sore, but was too lazy to try to do my yoga, as I knew I should.

He explained that he was pulling on something in the shop and heard a ‘pop’ in his back. He decided that was it for the day and came in.


He was sorer last night, but took some Tylenol and rested on the heat pad in his chair. He is still quite sore today, but doesn’t want me to take him to the doctor. He is in his chair on the heat pad, and I just took him some Tylenol. I guess this is yet another lesson that we are no longer 30 and need to be more careful. There isn’t a ‘good’ person between the two of us today, but I’m a spring chicken compared to my poor husband. I’ll watch him like a hawk.


Filed under aging, taking care of yourself

Therapeutic Yoga


Running out of excuses for not doing my yoga sessions lately, I did a session of careful stretches yesterday, trying to straighten out, stretch, relax into old lady poses, and generally give myself a chance to heal.

Why I need to convince myself from time to time that it really HELPS me to do this practice remains a mystery. General laziness, I guess.

I had been feeling creaky, sore, stiff, etc. from yard work, helping my husband change the tires on our truck and more, and I was basically doing the minimum movement needed.

Being dumb is not something I cultivate, so now that I’ve proven it to myself once again, I’ll try to do at least half an hour daily, no matter what else I’m doing.

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Filed under exercise, taking care of yourself


Mountain View Animal Hospital

I’m just back from my massage. I feel limp as a noodle. I’ll drink lots of water with lunch and probably take a nap after.

I told Lynn that it was hurting to lift anything with my right arm – on my inner arm just above my elbow. I don’t know what muscles are involved, but I think it’s my biceps. She zeroed in on that and found a pretty decent-sized knot that she kneaded, trying to get it to release. It was definitely a case of ‘it-feels-so-good-when-she-stops’ :0). She also recommended a cream she has found that helps her and her family. It’s called Penetrex Pain Relief Therapy – Inflammation Formula. I’ll google it and order it online as soon as I finish this.

I’m so lucky that I can get a massage once a month. It is really good for my health. I would probably be curled into a ball if it weren’t for Lynn.

If you’re in the Greenwood/Fort Smith area, her name is Lynn Moody, and her phone number for an appointment is 479-629-7601.

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American Kennel Club

I’m leaving to get my monthly massage this morning, and boy – am I ready!

I’ll tell Lynn, my magnificent massage therapist, about a couple of places that could use some particular attention, but she’ll find several others I wasn’t even aware of.

When I’m home again, I’ll be wonderfully loose and relaxed. I’ll drink a bunch of water, probably nap this afternoon, and my therapy will be complete.

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Lucky lady.

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Sick on Sunday 1-22-2023


I am feeling less than stellar today after being ill most of the night. I wish you a wonderful Sunday and will try to talk again tomorrow.


Filed under taking care of yourself


Quasarphoto-Getty Images-iStockphoto-Thinkstock Photos

I’m home from my massage. Lynn Moody, my miracle worker, really gave me a deluxe massage today, zeroing in on my arm, too. I almost came up off the table when she first started, but she really got the blood moving. She suggested I continue the muscle gel for pain and also heat. I feel MUCH better right now. I just finished drinking a bottle of water and will use the heat after lunch.

I’m so lucky to have Lynn to take care of me. Ahhhhhh!

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Filed under taking care of yourself