Category Archives: Habits

Thursday Thoughts 8-4-2022

Heartfelt – Artwork by Catherine Zarip

It’s quite overcast right now and we might get some rain. I couldn’t be happier about it.

The UCSB Current-UC Santa Barbara

In about an hour I’ll go down to get our mail (if it’s not raining), checking to see if the trash has been picked up. It’s supposed to be picked up on Tuesday. When I left yesterday to get my hair cut, I had to stop and use the trash bag I carry in the truck to pick up the strewn garbage. When I got to town, I called the trash people. The lady said she would create a work order so the trash would be picked up yesterday. I HOPE it was actually picked up. If not, I will call them again with some choice words.


I’m on DAY 20 of my daily yoga practice. My husband told me I was “doing a good job” yesterday. I tried to get him to practice with me, but he scoffed at me, eating some Fritos…


I still don’t know if the Christmas cards I’m trying to paint will turn out reasonably or not, but I look forward to working on them each day.

I’ve been finding a lot of talented people’s work lately. It’s such a joy to discover someone creating breathtaking art in all its forms and be able to share it with you.

Have a great Thursday!

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Filed under Challenges, exercise, Habits, kindness, Mother Nature, playing in my art room, Thoughts on a ________


The Irish Times


If there were a contest on touching your face the most times within a given time frame, I would win – hands down. (hahhahahahaha).

I’m carrying a tissue in my pocket, trying to remember to take it out if I need to touch my face. That only works part of the time. Apparently, I do this unconsciously. It is a deeply ingrained habit.

I have thought of using the funnel we got for our dog when we needed to keep her from licking a wound,  but I haven’t found it yet, and I think it would drive me nuts. I MAY need to start wearing gloves IN the house to try to break the habit. Maybe handcuffs – though I don’t have any. Cutting my arm off seems harsh.

In the spirit of ‘making lemonade’ – I propose that once this awful time is over, we have a contest, giving a prize to the person who touches her face the most often in whatever time frame desired.  This way I will no longer have to feel like the village moron for not being able to break a bad habit, and may actually be able to look at it as a prized SKILL!



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Filed under Habits, Health Alert