Tag Archives: puns for the educated mind

Puns for Educated Minds 3


16.  The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.


17. A backward poet writes inverse.


18. In a democracy it’s your vote that counts.

In feudalism it’s your   count that votes.


19 When cannibals ate a missionary,   they got a taste of religion.


20. If you jumped off the bridge in Paris,   you’d be in Seine


21. A vulture carrying two dead raccoons boards an airplane. The   stewardess looks at him and says,    ‘I’m sorry, only one carrion   allowed per passenger.’


22. Two fish swim into a concrete wall.

One turns to the other and   says , ‘Dam!’



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Filed under Funny Signs - Humor, punny

Punny – Take 4

Dr. David Friedman

Dr. David Friedman

Puns for Educated Minds


13. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.

14. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said:
‘Keep off the Grass.’

15. The midget fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small
medium at large.

16. The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a
seasoned veteran.

17. A backward poet writes inverse.


Thanks to Marsha Koenig for her email.

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Filed under Grin for the Day