Lighter Attitude

Your e cards – – Deborah Ann – Pinterest

A bit more progress this morning – almost 14 pounds off. If I can keep this up, only 6 years or so to go and I’ll be where I would like to be. :0) I just finished getting the ingredients for chili in the crock pot for dinner tonight.

I’ve pared down what I’m eating for lunch and drinking a lot more water during the day. If I eat between lunch and dinner, I’m watching what I eat VERY carefully. I’m watching my portions at dinner and then not eating afterwards until lunch the next day. (Intermittent fasting.)

On day where the weather allows, I’m walking out to the shop and garden a couple of times each day, plus I’m doing careful old lady yoga stretches each afternoon.

The progress is so slow I tend to lose my patience, but I’m looking at this, besides trying to get the lard off, as a character-building exercise, working toward a long-term goal and realizing that if I’m moving in the right direction, no matter how slowly, I’m doing well.

I found this on Pinterest and they didn’t say who this artist is. I LOVE this turtle and will keep it as a symbol of my ‘slow-but-steady’ battle to lose the lard…

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Filed under DIET!, getting the lard off

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