Tag Archives: trash pickup?

Friends on Fridays 10-20-2023

Marina Blue Studio

Shout-out to Cathy, who is feeling stronger, resting better, and eating better following her radiation and chemo and is getting a chance to catch her breath while the docs decide what they think she should do next. I’m trying to send smiles, strength, and good weather her way so that she can soak them up.

Shout-out to Carla, who has built a race car with her son and is racing last night and tonight. Fingers crossed they do well.


We leave in about an hour to meet our friends (hopefully) for Lunch Bunch, to enjoy a good meal at The Pizza Barn, share news and laughs, and set ourselves up for a nice weekend.

I’m pleased to be able to report that our trash was picked up! This may not seem like an ‘event’ to YOU, but since they’ve missed us two weeks in a row and I had to call, wait on hold for 5 minutes or so, and arrange a work order for pickup, it seems like at least an old-fashioned ‘annoyance’ to me. The lady I talked to was nice, noticed that this was the 2nd time I had had to call, and said she would see if she could figure out what the problem was. Hope springs!

Last call for you to order either of these child-sized Halloween aprons in time for Halloween. One-of-a-kind, hand-painted child’s apron. Size is 2-6 years. The apron is 19″ long and 12.5″ wide, not including neck loop or ties. $19.99 with FREE SHIPPING to the contiguous U.S. HandmadeHavenbyLinda on Etsy

I hope that you are having a really nice morning and that your day will be calm and pleasant.

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Filed under HandmadeHavenByLinda on Etsy, Thoughts on a ________

Tuesday Thoughts 8-16-2022

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2019 Geert Weggen Bispg̴rden Sweden Phone: 0768492056 Email: geertweggen@yahoo.com Title: squirrel wishes Description: Red squirrel with dandelion seeds Animal: red squirrel Location of shot: Sverige РFilm Daily

He’s making a wish as the dandelion blows apart! I love it.

We have a squirrel who would like to compete on the cuteness scale. His specialty lately is hanging by his feet from the top of the bird feeder to where he can get the seed. It’s quite impressive. So far, he won’t allow me to get a photo of him. I think he deserves every seed he can eat. I would encourage him to enter the Squirrel Olympics if there were such.

Gail Perry

I had a nice chat online with our son this morning. Newsy, NICE exchange, and it started my morning off super well! :0)


I will probably finish the Christmas cards I’m painting for my dear friend today and will start flattening them. This has been a really fun project. She suggested that I put her design, plus the one I did for my local friends, on Etsy as custom card packages. I’ll do that, as soon as I can get some pics.


Today is DAY 32 of my daily yoga practice. My husband is getting into the habit of grabbing his throw when I come into the living room to do my session, flipping on the ceiling fan – so the habit/routine/regimen part of my exercise is building – at least in my husband’s reaction to it.

Home Depot

Hope springs eternal that the leaf bag of trash I drove down to the bottom of the driveway this morning will actually be picked up today. Fingers – and all other appendages – are crossed for success.

Happy Tuesday!

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Filed under Awe-Inspiring Photography, Challenges, exercise, fun in my art room, Thoughts on a ________