Tag Archives: office stuff


Deborah Ann – Pinterest

I was SURE I was going to impress my scales this morning with another pound down, but NOOOOOOOO. I held at 13 off. Bah. Humbug. Since I’m being a ‘good girl,’ exercising, drinking water, watching what I’m eating, etc., I’m hopeful that SOON I’ll see some more progress.


The rest of the week is supposed to be rainy here. We can use it. It started overnight, with light rain when my husband took Amber out for her last outing of the day. It’s not actually raining now, but is very overcast. I’ll take whatever we can get.

Since it’s rainy today, I’m going to try to get my office under control – paying bills, bookkeeping, filing, etc. (I know – ‘Be still, my heart.’ :0) )

Maybe I’ll get up to my art room.

I hope that YOU are having a fine day – calm if you need it, fun if you don’t.


Filed under Thoughts on a ________