
Deborah Ann – Pinterest

I was SURE I was going to impress my scales this morning with another pound down, but NOOOOOOOO. I held at 13 off. Bah. Humbug. Since I’m being a ‘good girl,’ exercising, drinking water, watching what I’m eating, etc., I’m hopeful that SOON I’ll see some more progress.


The rest of the week is supposed to be rainy here. We can use it. It started overnight, with light rain when my husband took Amber out for her last outing of the day. It’s not actually raining now, but is very overcast. I’ll take whatever we can get.

Since it’s rainy today, I’m going to try to get my office under control – paying bills, bookkeeping, filing, etc. (I know – ‘Be still, my heart.’ :0) )

Maybe I’ll get up to my art room.

I hope that YOU are having a fine day – calm if you need it, fun if you don’t.


Filed under Thoughts on a ________

3 responses to “Exercise

  1. phunhaus

    Happy Rainy Morning! At least it is here in northwest Iowa. And same as you, rain all week and…..SNOW possible Saturday and Sunday, yikes. I’m not ready for this yet.
    This is a tricky spot in the weight loss journey. Don’t get discouraged and don’t change anything, you’ll get there. When you get through at your house can you come here? Mine is an absolute wreck where we were “trying” to pare down, move stuff to the basement and elsewhere. However my hubby got sidetracked with daily three hour plus therapy for the last 2 months and BOOM there goes the motivation. There is light at the end of the tunnel though. I really enjoy your posts, keep’em coming.


    • THANKS for much-needed encouragement on several fronts. :0) If I can get to 15 off reasonably soon, that will encourage continuing to 20, and more. WOW and WOW again with SNOW and also the therapy for your hubby. I hope he’s doing better now. The paring down and reorganizing will still be there when you can get to it. No points for finishing today instead of tomorrow (or later). If you make ANY progress in this area, you should be patting yourself on the head. You have a full plate with taking care of yourself and your husband. THAT’S priority. Hang in there, and thanks, again, for taking the time out to encourage me, both with the trying to lose the lard AND your kind words about my posts.


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