Tag Archives: coronavirus

For Your Own Good

Lisa Bearnes Richey

I may have to actually start wearing one of these!

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Filed under Funny Signs - Humor, Health Alert

How Soap Kills the Coronavirus

This is a video my friend Marsha sent me about how to use soap to kill the virus and why it is important to wash for 20 seconds.

New York Post

If the link above doesn’t work for you, here is the URL –


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Filed under Health Alert

Timing Is All

Very Well Family

We went out to get supplies this morning. Just as we were coming out of the store, the rain came down. By the time we had all the bags in the truck and I had returned the cart, we were both dripping. We stopped at one more place, getting even wetter, if possible, and then came home. Of course, as soon as we came home, the rain stopped. We put things away, made lunch, and then both fell asleep in our chairs.

The sun is shining now and you would never know it happened. It almost makes me feel as if I dreamed the whole thing! Such is life in the exciting Lewis household these days. Timing is all.

I am trying to have a specific goal for each day, particularly since we are trying to stay home and limit our exposure to the virus. Today the goals were replenishing supplies, paying bills, catching up the bookkeeping, and cleaning out the aquarium.  The first two are done…

Be safe.




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Filed under Mother Nature, Thoughts on a ________

Thoughts on a Friday 3-20-2020

Wild and Wonderful

Well, yesterday I called and told my friend Kay that my husband and I had decided that we would stop going to Lunch Bunch on Fridays until the coronavirus pandemic calmed down. We are in the high risk group for the virus, so we’re trying to limit contact as much as possible. This was a really hard decision because Linda, Kay, and I (plus various others) have met for lunch every Friday for almost 19 years now.

This morning I discovered that the governor of Arkansas has ordered all restaurants, bars, and gyms in Arkansas closed until further notice. (Restaurants can offer take out.)  Schools will remain closed through April 17th. I also learned that we have to make an appointment if we want to enter the lobby of our bank, though the drive-thrus and ATMs will be functional. City Hall and the Police Department buildings are closed to the public, too.

I have to tell you that – as worried as I am about the virus – I’m MORE worried about the economic effects of all this, and the changes that are being made in the power of the government as we try to get through this. I hope that we are able to get a handle on testing, possible medicines and equipment that help people suffering with the illness, and protect those trying to help the ill as soon as possible.

This being said, here are things that are NOT being cancelled –

Lisa Parkhurst Blaisdell via Ginger Charles

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Filed under Attitude, Cause for Celebration, Challenges, Changes, character-building exercises, Health Alert


Nature Valley via Penny Yaffe Krakow

Cancelling appointments and not-strictly-necessary errands, social distancing, plus worry for economic repercussions from the coronavirus have me feeling stressed and a bit nuts. I find myself feeling overwhelmed, but having trouble actually sitting down and finishing tasks. I get started, then I think of something that might be more important. I switch to that, and think of something else. I definitely need a button I can push that allows my body – and particularly my brain – to ‘reboot.’ I feel like the sweet dog in the photo who has gathered all the sticks, but now isn’t sure what to DO with them…

One positive thing I’m doing is gathering another donation for the Veterans Thrift Town in Fort Smith, AR.  We have been donating to them for years now. Every time we go with a donation, they are very friendly and helpful. Someone helps me get the bags and stuff out of the vehicle and happily give a receipt. The store is clean and well organized. I am happy we found this good group.

Another positive thing today is that we drove to Ft. Smith first thing this morning to sign our tax returns. I always breathe a sigh of relief that it is over for another year. We dashed into Walmart on the way back and are now in for the day.

I’m adding to my online shops. I’m making sure my shops are up to date. I’m thinking of starting a new one in the next few days. People are staying home more due to the coronavirus and might do more online shopping as a result. Right now I have –

Hand-painted wooden earrings

Hand-painted tote bags

Hand-painted note cards and stationery

and ArtFire – with everything else I make.

I’m thinking that I will start a new Etsy shop with my hand-painted glassware.

Meanwhile, I start to the kitchen to get a refill on my coffee and notice a ball of white hair on the tiled floor next to the back door. I also notice that the cat has pulled my hair-washing towel down on the floor. I pick that up and hang it on the chair back again. I put the cup down, go get my cordless vacuum, and end up vacuuming not only that area, but two half-baths, the dining area, the kitchen, the utility room, and the walk-in pantry.

As I walk back from hanging up the vacuum, I stop, pick up the hair washing towel and hang it back up on the chair  and put the lunch dishes in the dishwasher. Then get out pork chops to thaw for dinner and pick up the hair washing towel again. At this point, I put the cat out, get my coffee, and come back to the computer…

I hope that YOUR day is more productive than mine. I MEAN well, but the results of my activities so far are less than desired…

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Filed under giving, Health Alert, Thoughts on a ________

Thoughts on a Monday 3-16-2020

Photo via Jeff Jett – LinkedIn

We enjoyed watching what could be a relative of this cute little fellow leap from a hanging bird feeder on the deck to the shovel bird feeder, and then around via the railing to the gallon glass bottle and wood feeder we have attached to the grill on the outside of the dining area window. He kept flipping his tail. I’m not sure what that signifies, but he sure was a busy little critter, checking everything out.

We went for a quick shot at the doctor’s office to quick stops at two groceries to replenish supplies and are now home for the day. Even with the schools closed, starting today, there wasn’t much traffic on the road.

A new thing greeted us at the clinic – a nurse was there to take our temperature outside before we were admitted inside. Then, they had rearranged the seating so that there were two chairs together, but they were far apart from another couple of chairs, all around the room, giving people plenty of space. I was glad to see these precautions.



I am thinking about ordering one of these on the net so that I can quit touching my face. I seem to be obsessive about touching my face, and I never realized it before! I’m constantly, scratching, touching, rubbing my eyes, pulling on my nose….. It’s either a funnel like this or I may start wearing mittens….

We are in the ‘high risk group’ for the virus. My husband continues to deny that he is included in the group, but he still thinks he can do what he did when he was a teenager, paying the price later, with lots of sore muscles. He also denies he is a Type II diabetic, only admitting he has a ‘sugar problem.’  We are trying to limit our exposure as much as seems reasonable, hoping the experts get a handle on the testing soon.

It is certainly getting more spring-like here, with lots and lots of rain this week. We are due to get up to 3 inches by the end of the day Thursday. It’s a really good thing the veggie planting boxes we built have good drainage or the plants would need to learn to swim!

I hope that you are somewhere safe, practicing social distancing, washing your hands, NOT touching your face, and spending your time in a pleasant manner.






Filed under Health Alert, quality of life, Thoughts on a ________

Thoughts on a Wednesday 3-11-2020

“Dandelion Wishes” -Dick van Dujin Photography via Penny Yaffe Krakow

About 20 minutes ago the sky was really dark, even though it was about 9:30 a.m.  It looked like we were in for quite a storm. Now it’s gray and sprinkling, but it looks like the ‘storm’ blew past us. Whew!

Things are pretty much back to normal again after my glorious marathon birthday celebration, although my husband surprised me after errands yesterday by taking me to The Dari to share a seafood platter for lunch! I’m am TOTALLY spoiled at this point, have a big head – since my family and friends made me feel so special – and have become insufferable. I have a bathroom to scrub upstairs today, so that should bring me down to Earth a bit. :0)

Seriously – (and I’m going to show my advanced age now) – I have felt like the winner on the old “Queen for a Day” cheesy TV program from a hundred years or so ago where some woman was showered with wonderful things from friends, family, and the show, making her, her family, and ME cry.  I just searched and found an actual show from 1963 on YouTube 

So now I’m concentrating on getting back to my normal, happy self after a tear-worthy celebration that I’m still alive, kicking, and still hard to live with.

As fears concerning the coronavirus rise, I want to share some facts from the CDC website that are helping ME keep things in perspective so far – As of today, March 11th, there are 1016 confirmed cases and 31 deaths in the United States.  The numbers will continue to rise, adding to the tension. ALSO, though, according to the CDC website, so far in 2020, there have been 34,000+ cases and 20,000+ deaths from the REGULAR STRAIN OF THE FLU. 

The cautions to prevent infections for both are the same. People 60 and over, particularly those with underlying health conditions, should avoid large crowds as much as possible. We should all wash our hands and try not to touch our faces. (Not touching my face is apparently a HUGE one for me. I never realized how MUCH I scratch my face, pull on my nose, rub my eyes, etc. I saw a picture of a man wearing one of the huge plastic collars they put on animals that keep them from licking a wound, suggesting that might be a good thing to use. :0)  I may actually have to DO that – or wear mittens.

What I’m saying doesn’t ally all the fear, but hopefully it brings some perspective. Hopefully the FDA won’t throw up all the roadblocks they normally do, causing horrible delays in getting a possible vaccine to the public. Maybe there will be a waiver one can sign in order to get the possible protection. One can hope. If you are in the risk group, as my husband and I are, pay attention and be smart.

I’ll share some pics I took of the garden with you as soon as the battery on my camera charges up again. I am on the ‘sealing stage’ on a new design of wooden earrings. I’ll share some pics of those, too, if possible, later today.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


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Filed under Cause for Celebration, Delightful Surprises, Feeling Spoiled, Health Alert, Thoughts on a ________