Tag Archives: wood burning

Saturday 4-20-2024

Teresa Adams

Hahahahahaha! I don’t really feel like this, but I LOVE the artwork and the sentiment. :0)

Times of India

It’s dark and rainy here in my part of Arkansas this morning, so I’m switching to inside activities. I was planning to weed at least one flower planter, but Mother Nature has decided that we need rain. And the week ahead looks particularly rainy, with chances for rain starting Wednesday and continuing through the following Monday, the 29th. We may need a boat!


I may spend today with a combination of laundry and wood burning, a nice combination of ‘should’ and ‘want to’ for the day. I have ideas for a couple of plaques I would like to make for some good friends. I’m still experimenting with what tip does what with the wood burning tool, so progress is very slow, but it’s fun to be trying to do something completely out of my comfort zone.

I hope that you have a happy Saturday in store.

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Filed under Thoughts on a ________


@urbanartist2 on X

I love this idea. It inspires me to try to ‘draw a line around my think.’ I thought of an idea for a Christmas present I’d like to try to make. I’ve printed an image to work from for a wood-burning project. We’ll see…

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Filed under inspiration

Tuesday 2-6-2024

Getty Images-Alaska Photography
Emanuelle Bernardo – Freepik

Good morning! Our weather is so nice here that I’m almost afraid to say anything – that it will jinx it. It’s quite spring-like, and I’m really, really enjoying it. Shhhh! (Fingers crossed)

I’m hoping for a quiet day. My husband didn’t rest well last night, so I’m hoping he can rest a lot during the day today. I’m trying to stay quiet so that he can sleep in his recliner.


Now that he’s doing better overall, though, I’m going to try to do my yoga practice this afternoon. My body is feeling the fact that I haven’t been. I’m hoping the practice will help me loosen up again.


If this goes well, I’ll plan to try to spend some time in my art room. It seems like it has been forever since I’ve spent time up there. I’m in the middle of a piece I started wood burning. It’s patiently waiting for me…

Enjoy your Tuesday.

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Thursday 1-4-2024

Loyal-Virginia Greaves-Textile Painting


It’s wonderful to see my husband excited about getting set up to do something different. He has ordered two kinds of wire for the new MIG welder – one to be used with gas, and the other with electric. We’re going to get CO2 for it at the welding supply place today. He’s watching YouTube videos and dreaming. :0)


He is also encouraging MY efforts on my new wood burning tool. I’m experimenting with a large piece of scrap wood, trying to use the different nibs, figuring out what to do with them. Jannie at BurnSavvy.com is helping give me confidence to keep experimenting. Here is my latest effort –


Yesterday was Day Two of doing my old lady yoga stretches. As I expected, it was harder than Day One, dealing with a combination of the mess I am now PLUS my body yelling about the stretches the day before. I went ahead and did the best I could, expecting that TODAY may be a bit easier.

My husband still lives, even after coming in while I was doing my yoga. I was sitting on my mat, legs together stretched out in front of me. I was bent over as far as I could reach, stretching my back deeply, reaching for my toes. My husband asked, “When do you start stretching?” GRRRRRRR! :0(


I was encouraged by some stats on my blog this morning. I got curious to see how the traffic to my blog had changed since I started it. In 2019 I had 56,306 visitors to CreativeArtworksBlog. In 2023 I had 437,808. That’s really nice. :0)

I hope your day is a very pleasant one.

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It’s Tuesday 1-2-2024

Uyi_draw$ – @Uyidraws On X

I just recently found this artist on X (formerly Twitter). I think he’s wonderful.

This is more of his work. I wish him a great 2024 and much success.

We are having a quiet day, and we’re about to fix some lunch. We just gathered our trash and drove it down to the bottom of our driveway for pickup tomorrow. We got our mail and came back up, thoroughly chilled. It’s supposedly 40 outside right now, but it seems much colder. A great day to stay inside.

I’m going to do two things this afternoon –

Thing One – do more experimenting with my wood-burning tool. I’m changing the nib on the tool each time so I can get a feel of what each one does. It’s exciting to be doing something completely new.

Thing Two – I’m going to do at least 30 minutes yoga stretching. Yes. REALLY. I know I often intend to do it, but don’t actually get down on the floor with the mat and DO it. Today I will. REALLY. (I have an encouragement thing going with a much-loved friend. SHE is going to peddle on her exercise thing and I am going to do my yoga stretches. We’ve both been making excuses and are trying to do better.)

I hope you’re having a good day, too.

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Filed under Thoughts on a ________

Making Progress

I’ve finished reorganizing and labeling everything on my “Etsy shelves” in my office now. I found a couple of things I THOUGHT were listed, but weren’t, so I took care of that.

Now I’m going up to my art room to gather a few more things I want to add to the site.

When I’ve gathered them, I’m going to allow myself the time and space to start experimenting with my new wood burning tool. REALLY. I AM. :0)

We went to Lunch Bunch and Kay and Bud were there. We had a good time catching up.

About an hour ago, FEDEX came and delivered the MIG wire welder my husband ordered. He took it out to our shop and brought back the manual to read. He says it looks good.

I hope you’re having at least HALF a good a day as we are enjoying.

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Filed under Challenges, Changes, Organizing/DeCluttering

Dashed Hopes

My hopes have been dashed once again because I didn’t win the lottery last night. I could have figured out a lot of good things to do with whatever would be left of the $700 million prize after taxes….

We’re leaving to go for my husband’s haircut and to get the mail in a minute. That’s the excitement for the day. Be still, my beating heart. :0)

Actually, I AM thinking seriously of trying to overcome my intimidation over experimenting with wood-burning. All is set up upstairs. My drafting table is cleaned off. My protection gear is right there. Some wood scrap is ready, plus some blank plaques we made a long time ago. I’m supposed to get some thin wood rectangles in two sizes today, I think. I’m out of excuses, so….

I received the latest paperback in the J.D. Robb In Death series yesterday and dove right in. It’s like coming home. I finished re-reading all 56 books in the series just recently in preparation for the new addition. Then, when I finish, I’ll probably have to wait 6 months to a year for the newest – that is released in hard back in January – to be released in paperback. Did I tell you that I love this series? :0)

We did NOT get ‘rain and snow showers’ over the past two days, and for that I’m very grateful. I would be happy with ONE pretty snow that leaves immediately and call that a great winter.

Enjoy your day.


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