Tag Archives: winter snow showers


USA Today

Isn’t this child the cutest thing? I melted when I found this picture.

It’s 32 here with snow showers forecast by the locals through 6pm this evening. There is frost on the ground, but the concrete and our driveway are clear at the moment.

We’ll be leaving in a bit to drive to Ft. Smith for our semi-annual dental cleaning. This is already a thing I dread, not even THINKING about the snow showers. Right now I’m TRYING not to freak out that my husband might insist on driving the Vette (rather than the truck with the snow tires.) I’ve stressed that the locals say the next wave of weather is supposed to happen while we are in Ft. Smith, maybe causing a bit of trouble for our way home, and then getting back up our driveway. Fingers crossed he’ll be reasonable.

It’s been a long time since I needed to worry about winter shoes. I have several pairs of boots, but they are mainly decorative, rather than for seriously cold or wet weather. I got a pair out this morning, put them on, and then started making our bed. I found a chunk of black ‘stuff’ on the carpet. Then I noticed my left boot seemed to be ‘sticking’ to the carpet as I moved. It turned out the whole sole of the left boot was crumbling! I’ve never had that happen before. There was nothing to do but throw out the boots and grab a second pair. I’m thankful I HAD a second pair! My husband insisted I also have a pair of Herman Survivors, and they are still in my closet. They weigh a TON, and make my ankles and legs hurt when I wear them. It would need to be so cold outside that no one in their right mind would GO out in order for me to wear them. The ones I have on are mainly ‘hiking’ boots, I guess, but they’re much lighter weight and have rubber soles for the wet. Even if we have to walk up the steep driveway (650+ feet) when we get home, I should be fine. I have a warm coat, hat, and gloves, as well.

I wish I looked HALF as cute in my gear as the child at the top of this post. :0)

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Filed under Mother Nature, Seasons