Tag Archives: winter quote

No Lunch Bunch Today

cutigers- @cutigs1 on X

Barn owls are my favorite, and this photo simply takes my breath away.


We had to call our friends and tell them we would not be able to get to Lunch Bunch today. :0( It’s 11 degrees outside right now and the ‘stuff’ on the driveway is solid and quite slippery. We MAY get above freezing Sunday afternoon.

I’m hoping to see if we can gather and drive our trash down to the bottom of the driveway Sunday afternoon before we’re due for either ‘ice and rain’ OR “5-7 inches of snow” Monday, depending on who you’re listening to or reading. Can we have a third choice, please????

We ARE supposed to get a significant warm-up Tuesday. HOOOORAAAAAY! My goal now is to hold everything together until then. We are still fine up on top of our ridge line. Our water pipes have not burst, we have electricity and heat, food, etc.

I woke up to standing water all over the counter around the double sinks in our bathroom upstairs. I called down to my husband. He came up and said something to the effect that, “that’s the setting where it does that” about the faucet we’ve been leaving dripping in his sink during this cold spell. I’m reading this to mean this has happened sometime in the past and he just didn’t say anything. Anyhow, we can’t get anyone up here now. He helped me sop up the water, throw ruined stuff away, and wipe off and put back the salvageable things. Not a great way to start the day…

My husband is enjoying taping and watching some truly awful movies. He enjoys ‘action’ movies, which HE defines in “body counts – the more dead in the most gruesome ways possible, the better.” Needless to say, I’m enjoying computer time, listening to music, reading, playing some in my art room, etc.

I hope that you’re managing to stay sane, dry, warm, and safe during this active winter.

“Every winter has its spring.” ~ H. Tuttle


Filed under Mother Nature, Seasons