Tag Archives: veggies

Zombi-esque Saturday 4-6-2024

David Clode – Unsplash.com

I THINK I’m functional this morning, but I’m sleep-deprived. Last night was awful. My husband was constantly moving – an unusual thing for him – intermittently snoring – NOT as unusual. He was actually cross-wise in the bed at one point and I had to wake him up to get him to move so I had a spot. Then I had a bad dream, so I went downstairs to read until about 2:30. I was just dozing off again upstairs when Amber started barking. I went downstairs to ask her firmly to stop. I caught about 45 minutes sleep, I think, and she started in again. AND, of course, I was up twice to pee…. So I’m feeling like a zombie, trying to get what I need to do done anyway.

I checked on my veggies and actually had my first lettuce harvest!

I harvested the largest lettuce leaves from two planters, cleaning up the plants a bit, snipping off dead leaves, weeding a bit, etc. Things are looking good right now.
The spinach is doing well so far.
Combination tomato plants, lettuce, and spinach.
Just tomatoes (although I did strew some green bell pepper seeds around a week ago in all three planters.)
1st lettuce harvest – 4-6-2024 – we’ll enjoy some of this tonight with some baked fish and spinach (one day some we’ve grown, I hope).

mystery blue periennial

I hope that your Saturday is more ‘alert’ than mine and that you feel really good this morning.

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Filed under Thoughts on a ________

Veggies, Tomatoes, and Flowers, Oh My!


The veggies are doing great, except that they really need to have the weeds around them taken out. As soon as I feel 100%, it’s on my list.


The tomato plants seem to be doing fine, too. I’m scheduled to add the worm castings fertilizer to them Thursday (I’m doing this once a month) I just made it around the yard, taking quick pictures before my energy left, but I’ll look more carefully in the next day or two.




Husband’s PERIWINKLES by the shop door

You can’t tell it much in this picture, but the group on the left has a slight pink cast and the ones on the right are plain white.


Filed under Gardening, Square Foot Gardening - Raised Beds

Winter Approaches


Mother Nature is bringing winter closer in Arkansas in the coming days. I’m not ready.

I’ve really been enjoying the fall. I’m not a hot-weather person. I’m not really a cold-weather person, either. The temperature range at which I feel comfortable has lowered and then narrowed as I age.

Right now it’s around 42 degrees F. and very cloudy, wet, and raw outside. A good day to express thanks for a warm, dry house.

We got our irrigation system turned off, hoses unhooked and drained, vents closed, and outside faucets covered this past week. We’re supposed to have freezing temperatures each morning for at least the next 10 days, starting tomorrow morning.

We have had a wonderful season of veggie garden, flowers, and elephant ear plants, so I’m trying very hard to be thankful for that without being too greedy for more. I love to see things thriving and blooming all over the yard and in the garden, so it’s hard to see that come to an end.

I’m setting up in the garage to have a small place where I can try to get seeds started for my spring garden. If I’m successful, I can get an early start to good veggies for the spring!

I hope you are somewhere warm and dry this morning where you can dream of veggies and flowers in the future.


Filed under Gardening, Mother Nature, Square Foot Gardening - Raised Beds