Tag Archives: still snowed in

Thawing a Bit

Montana Roots – @MontanaRoots on X – GEC-YtoakAAMPNl

We’re finally getting a bit of thawing! The schools are still closed, showing our roads are still bad, but we have another good day where we’re above freezing before we have another round of colder tonight and more snow on Monday.

Paul Willson – “Winter Oaks” – @PaulWillson on X

My husband actually drove down the driveway yesterday to get our mail. He said our Blizzaks (snow tires) worked well. I will wait until the driveway looks a bit less like a ski slope and the schools are open before I try it.

Tim Scanlan – “On a Cold and Frosty Morning” – @TScanlanPhoto on X

I pride myself on always showing up – usually a bit early – for appointments. Suffice to say I HATE not being able to get to ones I’ve scheduled because of the weather. I really don’t like to disrupt other people’s schedules because I can’t get down my own driveway – and up again. The fact that the local schools are still closed this time helps a bit.

Paul Willson – “Winters Wonderland” – @PaulWillson on X

I’m ready for spring.

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Filed under Awe-Inspiring Photography, Mother Nature, Paul Willson, Seasons, Tim Scanlan