Tag Archives: old lady yoga stretches

Saturday 10-21-2023

Efraïm Rodríguez Coboshttp://www.efraimrodriguez.net

I love this sculpture. I don’t know what it is about it that makes me want to put a hand on his head or squeeze his shoulder. Just love it.

I just finished a video chat with our son, who lives across the world from us. Before he left several years ago, he set up a secure chat program that he trusts and also a video program where we can see each other while we visit. Between the two, the only thing missing is his truly magnificent hugs. I feel so happy inside right now after getting to see his face – and his smiles. He is doing what he wants to do, living where he is comfortable, happy, and as safe as is possible in our world today. That’s all we can ask.

Open Door Yoga

My renewal of efforts to do my old lady yoga stretches each day are bearing fruit (hold your raspberries, please). :0) I had overdone doing yard work and my back was yelling at me. After coddling myself for several days, I started trying my yoga stretches again. I’m still pretty stiff, but it’s taking me less time to relax and start “breathing-into-the-stretches” each day. I’m adding something new to my stretches, too, so I’m hopeful I’ll be back where I was soon.

It is warmer than usual these days, here. It’s nice and cool at night, and we’ve turned off the a/c, but it’s supposed to get to 87 this afternoon – quite unusual for October here. Since the humidity is down, all we’re doing to be comfortable is opening the doors and using the ceiling fans. I could use a whole bunch of this nice weather! I’m going to try to do a short session of yard work today.

I hope you enjoy your Saturday and are doing something fun.

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