Tag Archives: husband's driving'

Wednesday 6-21-2023

Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry

My husband did a great job of getting us TO the dentist yesterday. We both got a good cleaning and good report. I did tell the receptionist that the NEXT time I call her, wanting her to arrange an appointment for the GeoThermal tech to come check our system, I would appreciate it if she were more cooperative. We had a good laugh. On the way home, my husband didn’t like the traffic and scared my hair off with the drive home. We are still alive, but I let him know that life was too short to have to endure that.

He increased my thinking about digging a hole in the back yard for him when he started talking to me in the middle of the night. He was mumbling too much for me to understand him. I was finally fully awake, only to find he said that I was ‘a cute fuzzy.’ I am definitely not at my best in the middle of the night awakened suddenly and forced to function. He quickly went back to sleep. I came downstairs and read for a while and then went back up to catch what sleep I could. He did remember talking to me and gave me a hug this morning.

We had a really good conference call with our son today. My husband has trouble communicating, and so does it less and less. Our son was asking if he would talk to him on the conference call thingie today. We got it set up and I got my husband to come over to my computer. The volume was too low for him, and I figured out how to increase that so that they could talk one-on-one, something they haven’t done for a while. It was good to see them smiling at each other. When they finished, our son and I talked. It was great to catch up and laugh together. He is safe and happy, so all is right in my world.

Even though I failed in my attempt to get the dental receptionist to make an appt for the geothermal guy to come, I DID call the correct number after that and he’s coming out this afternoon. It gives me confidence that someone who is knowledgeable about the system checks things over twice a year. He also changes out the filters in the basement and the attic so we don’t have to – a wonderful thing.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

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