Tag Archives: dangerous chemical warning

FBI Issues Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) Alert

Photo found on FaceBook and found it to good not to pass on.



Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is dangerous a chemical that will cause steel corrosion(rust), in large volumes can damage soils, homes and businesses(flooding). When exposed to heat it can cause skin burns. If inhaled it can cause death(drowning).
It is an industrial solvent used in fire retardant materials and can be found in the waste from nuclear power plants.
DHMO contributes to the greenhouse effect. May cause severe burns. Contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape. Accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals. May cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.

Grin…. It is simply unbelievable the number of people that have swallowed this long time hoax.

Dihydrogen monoxide hoax involves calling water by the unfamiliar chemical name “dihydrogen monoxide” (DHMO), and listing some of water’s effects in an alarming manner, such as the fact that it accelerates corrosion and can cause severe burns. The hoax often calls for dihydrogen monoxide to be regulated, labeled as hazardous, or banned. It illustrates how the lack of scientific literacy and an exaggerated analysis can lead to misplaced fears.
dihydrogen monoxide(DHMO) = H2O = water

The hoax gained renewed popularity in the late 1990s when a 14-year-old student collected anti-DHMO petitions for a science project about gullibility.

Thank You Wikipedia.
Snopes.com DHMO hoax

Put on a smile.
Happy Gardening

*This is a reblog of the Town & Country Gardening Post August 26, 2016.  I subscribed to the Town and Country Gardening blog several years ago and have found is to contain wonderful information and a healthy sense of humor.


This is SUCH a good reminder to read with a skeptical mind, PLUS check our sources. I love the idea of the 14-year-old’s science project – kind of a spin-off of the old game, ‘gossip,’ in a way. There are far too many people who read quickly, hit a like or share button and perpetuate falsehoods. Figuring out what a good source is on the net is a challenging prospect. What I now try to do – unless I’m being lazy – is check several different sources before I believe something.

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