Tag Archives: allergies

Better than Yesterday


As of this morning, I’m down 13.2 pounds. No parades, bands playing, confetti, or celebration, just a small smile that my efforts are paying off a bit.

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Both my dog and cat – but not my husband – came in to see what was going on with me just now. I’ve spent the last 20 minutes or so sneezing, over and over, saying some bad words – to be honest – as I sneeze AGAIN and have to blow my hose AGAIN. To my knowledge, I’m not allergic to anything. So what’s the DEAL? I just researched a bit, and the culprits may be tree pollen, grass, mold, and ragweed. Since we live on top of a ridge line surrounded by all of these, I don’t see a quick solution – although, since I started griping about my sneezing, it has stopped – just as suddenly as it started… (Almost sounds like something out of the old Twilight Zone TV series…)

I’ve been finding a lot of wonderful things to share with you from “X” (the former Twitter) lately. I’m finding artists, photographers, and funny and/or lovely people to follow. Some people consider ‘social media’ time-wasters. I’m only on X, and I am finding it a wonderful source of interesting people. Of course, each time I’m on, I find some of the opposite, too, so it’s a constant process of following, or UN-following people in order to find the ones who bring me joy. I’m enjoying it. :0)

Have a great Thursday!


Filed under Thoughts on a ________