I Wish

Pinterest – sorry, no credit to the artist was provided on this

I found this on Pinterest, and it revived my long-held wish that I could draw. Of course, if I COULD, I would do little else.

It would be so satisfying to be able to create like this, making people REACT, with just a pad of paper and a pencil.

I have a book that, if you work your way through the lessons, teaches you to draw. (Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards). I’ve tried it a couple of times now, making it through 2 or 3 of the 9 (I think) lessons, but then I bog down, totally intimidated.

Today I was reading through some of the reviews of the book, trying to get motivated to try it again. Someone said Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson was a really good book for people trying to figure it out, so I’ve ordered a used copy of the paperback.

I don’t expect to become the next Grandma Moses, but it would be really satisfying to be able to look at something, try to draw it, and have others recognize what it is, rather than feeling like a 5-year-old.

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