Monthly Archives: October 2023

The Ultimate in Multi-Media Art

Please watch till the end. I found this via @TheFigen_ on X

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Filed under Multi-Media Paintings, paintings I love, Siradisi Sanat

Andreas Thaler – Sabantha

Autumn Red

Walking in Fog

Winter Eats Summer

Soul of the Forest

I keep finding these beautiful pieces on Pinterest, just labeled, “Sabantha.” I think they’re gorgeous, and I finally did some searching, trying to find out more. I discovered that ‘Sabantha’ is the name of the art company of Andreas Thaler, who is represented by

It is described as ‘digital art’ – “Digital art, once called computer art or new media art, refers to art made using software, computers, or other electronic devices.”

There are those who consider anything produced on a computer as ‘cheating’ and not ‘real art.’ I, being only someone who aspires to creating some stuff using all types of media EXCEPT a computer (because I’m not smart or creative enough) consider the RESULT, rather than the method.

When something speaks to me, brings out emotion in me, makes me wish I could create something even remotely similar, I consider it ‘art’ and ‘real.’

Andreas Thaler and his company, Sabantha, create some really beautiful images that I absolutely love. I wanted to share some of them with you.

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Filed under Andreas Thaler - Sabantha - Digital Art, Watercolors I Love

Never Enough Peter Hogarth

Peter Hogarth – Artist – Dog Portraits – @PeterHogarth55 on X

Peter captures the personality of his subjects. I want to reach out and pet or hug these dogs. His artistry goes without saying. The FEELINGS he brings out blow my mind.

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Filed under animal paintings, drawings, Peter Hogarth - Artist

Eye-Popping Paper Art

On-Edge Paper Sculpture – Pinterest – artist unknown

3-D Quilling – Kirigami – Pinterest – Artist Unknown

Paper Sculpture – Pinterest – Artist Unknown

paper-quilling-Sherry Macdonald

I’m in awe of the talent shown here, and the creativity. All the same medium – paper – but such different techniques and results.

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Filed under 3D-On-Edge-Paper-Art, Kirigama, paper art

Monday, Monday… 10-16-2023


It’s a cool start to our day here. Sunny and 52 F right now. The high is supposed to be 68. Sure is a change from trying to get outside before it gets too hot…

We don’t have any plans today, other than gathering trash and driving it down to set up the trash can for pick up tomorrow and getting our mail. I enjoy days where we’re not pushed to do anything. The day unfolds and I can simply enjoy it.

Yesterday I did laundry all day long. We got our bed converted from warm weather to cold weather coverings, changing from velour to electric blanket and changing to a different comforter. We like the ability to warm up the bed before we get in, then turning off the heat or turning it to low for the rest of the night, covered by a light, snuggly comforter rather than a heavy one. We didn’t use the heat last night, but the heavier blanket allowed us to sleep better.

Today I’m going to make the ‘no-knead’ biscuits and some spaghetti – both requests from my husband. Since he was good about helping with the bed and the laundry yesterday, I’ll make both for him today.

Make your day a great one.

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Filed under Thoughts on a ________

Beth Robertson Fiddes Art

“Approaching Storm”

“Last Breath”

I have said it’s impossible to paint snow or water. I’m again proven wrong – this time by the breathtaking work of Beth Robertson Fiddes. She not only can paint the ocean; I can almost HEAR the water. Simply amazing.

Beth Robertson Fiddes – @Beth_RobertsonF on X

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Filed under Beth Robertson Fiddes, water paintings

Sunday 10-15-2023

5 News Viewer

I went out to see the partial eclipse yesterday, but only saw lots of clouds. I finally came in, disappointed. Later, I found some images on 5 News of what others saw, so I’m posting this to give you an idea.

Greenwood Arkansas Art Guild Show – October 14, 2023

Yesterday afternoon I spent some time at the show. I saw one good, long-time friend, visited with a couple of others I knew, and met a good number of new people. Lots of talent in one room, and I was pleased to be able to see what others have created.

Cat Yoga – Medium

I did my yoga stretching for the 2nd day. I didn’t do much better, but I’m determined to do the best I can. Yesterday both Amber (97 lb. yellow lab) and Abby, (? lb. stripy cat much like the one above) tried to HELP me with my practice, either by outright stomping on me or trying to nuzzle me. I think my laughter relaxed me almost as much as the stretches. :0)

Today I’m doing lots of laundry. Along with changing the sheets on our bed, I’m exchanging our velour blanket for our electric one, at my husband’s request, plus will change comforters – getting into cool to cold weather mode.

6″ x 4″ inspirational life saying sign – “Collect Beautiful Moments.” $13.99 with FREE SHIPPING to the contiguous U.S. HandmadeHavenByLinda on Etsy

It’s cloudy and 58 degrees here now. Good night for chili.

Enjoy your day!

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Filed under HandmadeHavenByLinda on Etsy, Thoughts on a ________

I’m Simply Blown Away

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Filed under Blog Repost - Wonderful Posts, video

Michael Tamoszus Art

Michael Tamoszus Art

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Filed under Chainsaw Art, Michael Tamoszus Art, When Wood Comes Alive

More Paintings of Children

“Bear Hug” – Keith Proctor

“Pretty much all the honest truth telling there is in the world is done by children.”   — Oliver Wendell Holmes

“Happy Child” – Lucia Verdejo Studio – Etsy

“When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments — tenderness for what he is and respect for what he may become.”   — Louis Pasteur

“Pickin’ Leaves” – Judith Stein-steinwatercolors-Etsy

“Children are a great comfort to us in our old age, and they help us reach it faster too.”   — Author unknown

N Makusheva

“A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet unstained.”   — Lyman Abbott

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Filed under Keith Proctor, paintings of children

Saturday 10-14-2023


This is probably a yummy cupcake, but if I had it, I would simply try to keep it. It’s just too cute to eat. HEY! Maybe THIS is the key to my losing weight! If all my food is ‘too cute’ to eat, I’ll quit stuffing my face!!!! :0)


I’m hoping that we will at least be able to see a partial annular solar eclipse here in Arkansas today. I got some special eclipse glasses quite awhile back when the eclipse in 2024 was being discussed and they were giving the glasses away in several places on the square in Greenwood, so we have those ready. We’re not in a direct line, but I hope we can enjoy at least the idea of it around noon our time.


I’m looking forward to attending this afternoon. I used to be a member, and am hoping to see some good friends as well as impressive art work.



I finally made myself get down on my yoga mat yesterday afternoon. I hadn’t done anything since I strained my back weeding recently. Wow. Could I feel a difference! In what I consider a short time, I lost a lot of ground. It took me at LEAST a minute or so to relax enough to quit hurting just trying to lie flat on the floor. I did several slow stretches, having to quickly stop some due to cramping.

SO – I will redouble my efforts to drink more water, since dehydration can be the cause of muscle cramping, and I’ll get my body down on the mat again this afternoon to do as much careful stretching and relaxation as possible.


Enjoy your Saturday.

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Filed under Thoughts on a ________

Paper Art by Rebekah Jenkins

Rebekah Jenkins does amazing things with paper. She does what she calls, “3D – On-Edge” paper art.

Rebekah Jenkins

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Filed under 3D-On-Edge-Paper-Art, paper art, Rebekah Jenkins

Thomas W. Schaller Art

Thomas W. Schaller Art – @twschaller on X

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Filed under Thomas W. Schaller - @twschaller on X, Watercolors I Love

Happy Rainy Friday 1-13-2023

Anna Om – Getty Images – istockphoto

A cold front is coming through this morning, bringing some light rain and cooler temperatures for several days. We have Lunch Bunch this morning, but we’ll probably come straight home after, rather than running errands in the rain.

Grasshopper Gardens

We carry some loppers and gloves in the truck so that we can tackle things hanging down or out in the driveway more easily. Yesterday I went down to put a notice in the mailbox and used the loppers to start clearing some tall weeds at the bottom of the driveway on both sides. When I finished a short session, I drove back up and added some hand held clippers to the truck so I can continue from time to time.

Julia Roberts

I wish that all of you could enjoy the expertise of my wonderful stylist, Michael Remillard. Yesterday he listened to my concerns, tried to comply, and I was very pleased, as usual. I did tell him, that although he listens to me and tries to do what I ask, he has ignored my MAIN request for YEARS now – to make me look like Julia Roberts. If he REALLY valued me as a customer, you would THINK he would at least TRY to do this SMALL request… :0)

When I’m resting between ‘have-to’s’ or ‘shoulds,’ I’m re-reading all of J.D.Robb’s (Nora Roberts’) In Death Series before diving into my newest paperback, #56 Encore in Death, and before receiving the latest to come out in paperback at the end of December, Payback in Death, which I’ve ordered. It’ll be another 6 months to a year before her newest, Random in Death #58 comes out in paperback. (Hardback out in January 2024.) Right now I’m re-enjoying #23, Born in Death.

I hope that you are enjoying a great Friday with an enjoyable weekend to come.

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Filed under Thoughts on a ________

More Mark Gray Photography

Mark Gray Photography – @GrayMarker99 on X

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Filed under Awe-Inspiring Photography, Mark Gray @GrayMarker99 on Twitter

Halloween and Creativity

The Pioneer Woman


Back in the Dark Ages, when I was trick-or-treating, we came up with our own costumes. We might buy an accessory or two, but mainly we decided who or what we would ‘go as,’ and then start trying to put the look together. It was fun, and part of the joy was the figuring out who your friends ‘came as,’ and if they would ‘get’ your costume goal.

Then there was a period it seemed like kids and their parents just wanted to buy their favorite characters off the shelf at a store. Homemade things were just sad at that point, and stores charged more and more for you to buy the ‘in’ costumes.

Now it seems that anything goes, and I love that. Each year I scour the Internet to find out what is new this year, and the creativity of people thrills me. The costumes just get cuter and cuter and the decorations and pumpkins improve exponentially each year, although I would have sworn they couldn’t.

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Filed under Halloween - How Do You Carve YOUR Pumpkin?, holidays

Thursday 10-12-2023

The Epoch Times – artist unknown

istockphoto-Anastasiya Belevich-GettyImages

I’m driving myself to the ‘rescue mission,’ my wonderful hair stylist, Michael Remillard of Tangles, in Greenwood AR this morning. If you’re in the area, his phone number is 479-357-9305 and his salon is on the east end of the square in Greenwood. He is truly a miracle worker, rescuing me from looking like a ‘dandelion-gone-to-seed’ and transforming me to look like ‘someone-has-a-plan,’ – no easy feat. :0)


We’re having the first real ‘fall’ that I can remember. Usually here in Arkansas, we have the heat of summer followed by about 3 days of rain and ‘fall front,’ and then it’s COLD, like the flicking of a light switch. This year our weather has been really pleasant – so pleasant my husband and I have remarked on it several times. I’m really soaking it up, enjoying every minute.

“Creating with a kid” – Alisa Burke

This afternoon, after I’m home from my haircut, I’m hoping to spend time in my art room. It’s been several days, and I’m itching to make some progress up there.

I hope you have a stellar Thursday.

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Filed under playing in my art room, Seasons, Thoughts on a ________

Taste Test

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I Needed This Today – Do You?

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Megan Elizabeth – Artist




Face to Face



Megan Elizabeth – Artist

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Filed under animal paintings, Megan Elizabeth - Artist

Halloween Memory

My husband and I still feel bad when we think of one Halloween years and years ago when our son was about 5.

My husband decided to ‘get into the spirit’ and went out and bought a rubber mask. He tied a pillow around himself to give himself a hump back, made a hole in a large piece of burlap and pulled it over his head, then donned the mask. He looked really gruesome. He was proud of his costume and looked forward to trick-or-treating with our son, plus scaring kids who came to the door for candy.

Well, even though our son had watched the whole process of making the costume and watching my husband put it on, when it was altogether our son freaked. He was scared and crying. When it was obvious that our son was really upset, my husband took the costume off and took our son trick-or-treating while I handled our visitors.

When he got back, our son was sleepy, so he spread out on the couch while my husband put the costume back on and proceeded to have a grand time scaring all the kids. I had to go out and buy more candy because the word spread and I think the whole neighborhood turned out to see the scary thing at our house.

Even when the holiday was over and the mask was on the floor where we encouraged our son to stomp on it, if he wanted, or put it on – which he refused to do – our son still wasn’t happy until my husband put it away – far away.

A mixed bag of memories, for sure. Our son still remembers the mask, and NOW loves the idea…

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Filed under Halloween - How Do You Carve YOUR Pumpkin?, holidays, memories

Last Day of Etsy Special Sale

Plaque – 9×11 oval solid wood hand-painted, one of a kind plaque – “Cherish” – $41.99 with FREE SHIPPING to the contiguous U.S. – HandmadeHavenByLinda on Etsy – This is the last day of the special sale on Etsy where you save $10 when you purchase $40 or over anywhere on the Etsy site. You can enjoy these savings over and over today. Great time to find special things for the holidays.

If you’re interested in custom, hand-painted Christmas cards, now is a good time to order. I have three designs –

Wreath Inside will say, “Happiness and love throughout the year!”

“O Christmas Tree 1” – Inside will say “Christmas 2023” and “May your heart be filled with joy.”


“O Christmas Tree 2” Inside will say “Christmas 2023” and “May your heart be filled with joy.”

These are packages of 6 hand-painted cards and envelopes. Each package of cards is $38.00 with FREE SHIPPING in the contiguous U.S.

Remember, throughout the day, you will receive $10 off for each order of $40 or more, as many times as you like – TODAY ONLY.

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Filed under HandmadeHavenByLinda on Etsy

Creaky, Crunchy, and Corroded


Actually, I’m better today, but still creaky, crunchy, and corroded.

We’re still finding things in our house that are showing how long we’ve lived here – 36 years. I guess we can’t really gripe. Things are long out of warranty. Though we can’t replace EVERYTHING, we are replacing what needs to be, one thing at a time.

Last night my husband took Amber out for her last outing, then came back in, saying that the garage door wouldn’t close when he pushed the button. He had to decouple it from the electricity and close it manually. This morning he looked at the situation and the wiring for the control was corroded. He was able to fix it (hooray!), but we’re having to deal with something not working a lot these days.

We’ve almost replaced all the fluorescent lights – my husband is having to remove the old ballast transformers, rewire the fixture, and then we add the newly purchased LED tubes. This is due to the government requirement not to make our fluorescent tubes anymore. Same with the lights in our lamps. When we started switching the old bulbs for the new, we were told the new ones would last a lot longer – even years. Apparently our lamps didn’t get the memo. So far, we can’t tell a difference. The new ones just cost a fortune.

We’ve talked to our plumber about replacing our hot-water-on-demand equipment as soon as he can get to it. It’s trying to die. After looking at it, it’s the same corrosion, hard water type problem that is getting to everything else, even though we haven’t had it nearly as long. He cleaned it out as well as he could and we have our fingers crossed each time we need to reset the system. I keep reminding myself ‘one-thing-at-a-time.’

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Filed under aging, Challenges, Changes, Housekeeping - Maintenance

Love, Hate and Stupidity

When I was reading some posts on X (Twitter) recently, someone asked, “If you could do away with one thing in the world, what would it be?”

Michael Crichton-Notable Quotes

I bypassed it, and then thought about it off and on the rest of the day. I’m still not sure. I thought, “Stupidity,” but then I wondered, ‘who would be the judge?’ I would certainly be thought stupid by some others, and so would be signing my own erasure.


Then I thought, “Hate,” but then I thought, “I” hate people who hate and do what I consider awful things, but it MAY depend on what is being done and why.

Psychological Healing Center

Then I considered, “apathy,” but we certainly have more than enough people jumping up and saying things they have to later try to take back or doing things that hurt others and can never be made right.


I’m still thinking. What would YOU do away with?

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Filed under Challenges

The Talent of Sue Hewson

Sue Hewson

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Filed under animal paintings, drawings, Sue Hewson Artist

Sweet Sculpture



I love I find things I think are truly wonderful there. The only thing that frustrates me from time to time is that there is not always attribution as to who created the wonderful things. All I can do is type, “Pinterest,” because I don’t know who the artist is. And, when they don’t list the artist, it makes it almost impossible for me to find more to share with you.

I wish it were different. I still love Pinterest, but I wish everyone would dig a bit to find out who is responsible for a thing of beauty, rather than just “pinning” something they like.

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Filed under sculpture

Tuesday 10-10-2023

We’re having a pretty morning here, 59 and sunny, with a high of 86 predicted for this afternoon. This old lady is still having to baby her back with Tylenol, a heating pad in my chair, and yoga stretching in the afternoons after pulling weeds over the weekend. Getting old is the pits.

Christmas Cards Made-to-Order Hand-Painted – Pkg of 6 cards – “O Christmas Tree 2”HandmadeHavenByLinda on Etsy $38.00 with FREE SHIPPING to the contiguous U.S. – This is DAY 2 of the Etsy-wide sale to kick off the holidays, where you get $10 off when you spend $40. You can do this over and over through tomorrow and save the $10 each time.

Wall Here

I’m finally getting used to my ‘intermittent fasting’ from 8pm till noon the next day. I’m watching my portions at lunch and dinner and snacking very carefully in-between. I’m doing my yoga stretching each afternoon and working outside (when my body isn’t yelling at me) and generally trying to move more. My eyeballs are floating because I’m trying to drink a glass of water in-between cups of coffee. I’m eating more fiber, fruit, and veggies. It’s all beginning to come together and my stomach isn’t thinking that my throat has been cut. I’m not feeling as if I’m starving to death anymore. Hoping that all this results in the scales becoming less snarky. It would be really lovely for the scales to say something like, “Way to go,” “You go, girl!” “Making progress!” or something similar….

I’m having one of those days where I had to look at my watch to figure out what day it is. Hopefully, I’ll get my head on straight and will have a reasonably productive day. I wish YOU a wonderful one. :0)

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Filed under HandmadeHavenByLinda on Etsy, Thoughts on a ________

Game Day

I still can’t believe what I’m watching. I’m amazed at how fast the turtle is moving! What a wonderful video. Thanks, B&S – @_B_S on X

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Filed under Amazing Animals, Blog Repost - Wonderful Posts, Videos

Halloween Nostalgia

Back when I was a young child (before 1492 and Columbus) I would make my own costume and my friends and I would go trick-or-treating in a group by ourselves, promising to stay in the neighborhood to the south of us and to be home by a certain time.

The only thing we worried about back then was the possibility of a razor blade in the middle of a caramel apple. Since I wasn’t a big fan of those, I didn’t worry at all. My favorite treat was a candy bar.

I have so many wonderful memories of Halloweens with my friends. We talked and laughed, ran and danced, filled our sacks or other containers with goodies to pour over when we got home.

It makes me a bit sad that the holiday has had to change so much due to the way of the world now. I’m glad that kids can still dress up and either go to a Halloween get-together, a haunted house, or do a bit of trick-or-treating with mothers driving slowly behind them, or taking them by the hand. Better than nothing, but oh, I wish kids could experience the freedom and joy we did!

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Filed under Halloween - How Do You Carve YOUR Pumpkin?, holidays, memories

Amazing Laser Engraving

GF5Bucks Laser Engraving on Etsy

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Filed under GF5Bucks Laser Engraving, Laser Engraving Art

More Paintings of Children


“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.”   — Stacia Tauscher


“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”   — Frederick Douglass

“Children need models rather than critics.”   — Joseph Joubert

Vicki Wade Fine Art-fineartamerica

“Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate.”   — Anonymous

“The soul is healed by being with children.”   — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Two Brothers-Sampad Art

“When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments — tenderness for what he is and respect for what he may become.”   — Louis Pasteur

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”   — Albert Einstein

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Filed under Favorite Quotes, Neil Buchanan, paintings of children