Blowing My Head Off

Medicine Plus

Yesterday I had what I call, “The Day of the Allergy.”

I’m not allergic to anything. Really. I’ve always been really thankful that I don’t have to spend a lot of time blowing my nose and sneezing my head off, like so many other good people.

Yesterday that changed and I tried to catch up to other allergy sufferers. .

I’m not exaggerating much when I tell you I sneezed so often I simply stopped trying to do anything else but have another kleenex ready. I see on my computer screen all of a sudden that there is ‘high pollen’ today. Maybe that’s my problem, but it’s weird that it would show up NOW, when I’m older than dirt.

I certainly got my exercise with all the sneezing. It stopped long enough in the afternoon that I got my yoga practice in, but I have to admit that all I did yesterday was curse and sneeze – a somewhat ‘colorful’ combination….

Today I’m fine. Or at least I haven’t had any problems yet. I did take two allergy pills last night in desperation.

Anyway, the mystery continues. I hope that you are not suffering from this, or that you handle it with more grace than I.

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