COLD Saturday 3-18-2023


I’m HOPING that we’re experiencing the last of winter here. As I type, it’s 33 degrees F. It IS sunny, but you are definitely in danger of freezing your parts if you stay outside long.

I did notice, however, that once we get through the weekend, things are looking up. I MAY be able to get my garden planters prepped at the beginning of next week and actually get some spring veggies in by the middle. I can’t wait!

Meanwhile, I have on a heavy sweatshirt. After lunch, I plan to turn on the heating pad I keep in my recliner, cover up with my snuggly throw, and zone out, happily safe and warm, hoping my sweet perennial blooms make it through this last gasp of winter.

We’re having a quiet weekend so far. The most activity we’ve seen is our dog, Amber, getting all her toys – except for a squeaky rubber chicken – out of her toy basket and strewing them all over the living room floor, bringing each one to us, acting like she wants us to throw the toy for her, but actually just wanting to TEASE us, preferring tug of war and then running off with the toy in a victory prance. (She cheats, leaning back with her whole body lending strength. 95 pounds of ‘strength’ will win every time.)

Today’s “project” will be to find my kitchen desk. I know where it’s SUPPOSED to be, but it got buried quite awhile ago and hasn’t been seen since.

I hope you enjoy today.

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