Pretty Good Start Now

In the summer of 1960 a boy and a girl met and fell in love. She was 14 and he was 17. He went into the Marine Corps for 4 years while she finished junior high and high school. They were together when he was on leave.

He came home and they went to college – he at the University of Tulsa and she at Oklahoma State University. When she had one semester left of practice teaching, they married – June 14, 1969.

Today we celebrate sharing our lives for 52 years, and we haven’t killed each other! He asked me for another 52 years, and, in a moment of weakness, I said. “Let’s do it!”

We have a pretty good start now. We will enjoy sharing a seafood platter tonight in quiet celebration.


Filed under Cause for Celebration, Family, love, marriage

2 responses to “Pretty Good Start Now

  1. Congratulations on your life together.


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