Tag Archives: trying to learn pyrography

Fun Ahead!


I’ve told you that I’m trying to learn how to do wood-burning, or pyrography. It’s difficult, to say the least, because you can’t hold the tool down close enough to the tip to allow you to feel in control, plus each tip does certain things best, and it takes a LOT of experimenting and practice to be able to choose the right one and use it effectively.

I have a tool now, and tips, and a holder, and safety stuff. I’ve been experimenting, and sometimes get excited about the results and many more times hit stumbling blocks. Example: I’ve learned how to transfer a design – should I choose to do something NOT freehand – but had a really hard time trying to do lettering around it. Needless to say, I have a LOT of practicing to do.

I got a fun package in the mail today – I ordered some different sizes and shapes of wood so that I have something to do the pyrography ON when I can –

I now also have a couple of different wood stains now, plus varnish.

SO – the only thing holding me back is

  • courage
  • practice
  • ideas
  • practice
  • time
  • practice
  • energy
  • practice
  • learning – videos

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Filed under Challenges, playing in my art room