Tag Archives: stuck up on our hill

Waiting for Tuesday


All my life I’ve been waiting – for something.

As a kid, I waited for Christmas, or my birthday, or…

I waited for school to be out.

I waited for summer.

When I fell in love and my to-be husband was in the Marines, I waited for him to come home on leave. I waited for weekends. I waited for him to get out of the Marines. I waited for him to go to the same college as I did. I waited for him to ask me to marry him. I waited for the wedding.

I waited for our children to be born.

I finally decided that I was wishing my life away and that it probably wasn’t the best way to live. I decided to try to live more in the moment, cherishing all that I have.

Now I find myself waiting again. This time it seems kind of silly. I’m waiting for Tuesday. Why?

Our weather is supposed to get above freezing. Things are supposed to start to thaw out. That means we can finally get down our driveway – and back up again. It means freedom to plan our day around what we’d like to do, rather than making the best of things.

My life is a good one. We have gotten through this cold spell, stuck up on our hill, just fine. But I’m WAITING for more – being a greedy lady.


Filed under Challenges