Tag Archives: security system problems

Weird Start to Our Morning

McLaren Health Care

Besides being 4 degrees (update – we’re now up to 7 degrees) with a wind chill of -22 this morning in ARKANSAS – this has been a weird morning BESIDES the robocall we just received.

When we came downstairs this morning, I made a quick check to be sure our animals were good and that the water was still dripping in our sinks. Our security system was beeping a rhythmic beep. I went around checking doors and windows and couldn’t find anything wrong. The beep was driving me nuts. I didn’t see anything listed on the system control pad, so I just started pushing buttons. I finally got the system to be quiet, but that was followed immediately by the phone ringing – our security system folks.

I was able to remember our password and my name (always a good thing) and assured her we were not under attack. She wanted to know if she should send someone out. I told her that the only way someone could come and SEE us today was if they came in via parachute (explaining about our steep snow and ice covered driveway.) We agreed that we should all not worry about anything and get on with our day.

It’s good to know that there really ARE people on the other end of our system and that they WOULD send people to try to help us if we either didn’t answer the phone or couldn’t give the password.

This morning I’m going to make sure I have the emergency number in my cell phone and that I find the emergency necklace they provided – just in case.

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