Tag Archives: Saturday thoughts 1-6-2024

What a Difference!

What a difference a day made, twenty four little hours
Brought the sun and the flowers where there use to be rain
” (and snow!) ~ song by Jamie Cullum


We are no longer snowed in! The temperature came up to the low 40s by mid afternoon and turned our ski slope back into our regular steep driveway. Hooraaaaaaay! The next bad weather is forecast for Monday (heavy rain) and then Tuesday morning (when we’re supposed to be driving to Ft. Smith for our dental cleaning appointment) “snow showers will move in for Tuesday. Current accumulation estimates are between 1 to 2 inches of snow by Tuesday evening…..” I hope we can get to the dentist and back up to the house before it gives us a problem.


I did my yoga stretches like a good girl yesterday, put the third star on my calendar for the week, and felt some of the positions were getting a bit easier. I keep reminding myself that Cat Kabira, the wonderful lady in Gentle Yoga DVD series, said that stretching TOWARD the position and breathing into it were as beneficial for us as actually touching the floor when we tried to touch our toes, or…. I actually felt I was making some progress yesterday!


SMALL RANT/PET PEEVE – I was trying to come up with Cat’s name on the previous paragraph and my mind was producing a blank, so I tried to look it up. I found “Yoga for the Elderly” or something similar and immediately bristled. I don’t CARE if that DVD is the best thing on the planet. I wouldn’t buy it because of its name. GRRRRR! Same thing as a local clothes store here called “Heifer Boutique.” I’ve probably lost my sense of humor, but even if all the clothes in there fit me like a glove and made me look like Julia Roberts, I wouldn’t go in there. I don’t WANT to buy clothes from a place of that name! END OF RANT.


I’m going to try to wood burn some wooden earrings in my art room today. I still don’t have a clue what I’m doing, but I’m ready to see if I can make something I like. Wish me luck?

Women’s Health

Shout-out – Michael Remillard, our treasured hair stylist ( 479-357-9305) who is celebrating a birthday today.

Have a wonderful Saturday, everybody.

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