Tag Archives: do away with winter petition


Whew! It’s supposed to get above freezing this afternoon, so we’ll hopefully be able to get down our driveway to pick up two days worth of mail and scoot to the local grocery store for goodies before we get snowed in again.

The forecast is for snow starting tomorrow about noon and continuing through Tuesday morning accompanied by bitter cold temperatures for Arkansas throughout the week. The weather people sound really sure this time. With our driveway, we may be snowed in throughout all of next week. We’ll see.

I don’t mind being ‘snowed in’ so much as no one being able to get up here if we need help. The UPS and Fedex people leave our packages at the bottom of our driveway when it’s CLEAR. Emergency vehicles of any kind wouldn’t have a chance.

I have two people who have kindly offered to sign the petition I started to do away with the rest of this winter and move straight into spring. The petition is here, waiting for more signatures. I don’t know how many we would need in order for something to HAPPEN, but I’m ready. :0)

In the meantime, stay safe, dry, and warm.

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