Thursday 6-27-2024

Free Spirited – Pinterest

Good morning!

Yesterday I was finishing up things on my computer, getting ready to leave for my husband’s haircut when the sky changed from normal summer morning to BLACK. I knew we were under a ‘heavy thunderstorm warning,’ but this got my attention.

It turned out that we had to use our lights to get to town, got a bit wet when we got out of the truck, but otherwise the big storm was a non-event, for which I’m grateful. Our plants got a good watering, we saw evidence of wind, but no damage in town, on the way home, or in our yard. Just a bunch of leaves blown around. Whew!

There was actual steam coming up from the road, our driveway and our yard. By the time it dried up, the afternoon was almost gone. Today we’re back to normal summer.

We’re waiting for the generator repair/electrician to come sometime today. He said we’re ‘on his schedule,’ though we’re not sure when he will be here. We’ll just stick close to home and I’ll keep checking my phone to see if he has called. Hopefully, he can get things working correctly again without too much time or money.

I researched planting tomato suckers yesterday. I’m going to harvest ripe tomatoes today, then hopefully find and plant some suckers. We’ll see how the day goes.

Lately I have a lot of good intentions, but few actual results. I’m not sure what’s up with that….

Make this a great day.

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