Wednesday 1-17-2024

Pinterest – Artist not listed

There might be a bit of light at tunnel’s end today. We’re forecast to get above freezing this afternoon and the sun is shining. Maybe we’ll start to get some melting today.

The schools are closed again, telling me that the streets in Arkansas aren’t much better than our driveway at this point. I’ve had to ask to reschedule a couple of appointments this week. I hate that.

Though I enjoy staying home, it would be NICE to be able to get our mail, take our trash down, keep appointments, drive to town if we wanted to. I’m feeling very lucky, though, that our water pipes are still doing fine, we still have electricity and heat, and we’re doing fine on food for our animals and ourselves. In case you’re interested, I still have the petition asking that the rest of the winter be canceled and that we move right into spring.


I worked on a pyrography piece in my art room yesterday. I’m still experimenting on which tips to use, but I made some progress on a small sign that has an image and a quote. I’m still at the stage where I have little clue what I’m doing, but my interest is building as something I do actually works. My little ‘thumb and two finger’ gloves are working marginally. The tool heats up enough to use and then my fingers quickly get uncomfortable. I’m trying to learn to modify my technique so I can work longer and not burn myself. It’s fun.

eBaum’s World

I LOVE the way some peoples’ minds work. I snorted when I found this. I want to meet the people who think this way.

I hope you are somewhere safe and warm and that your weather is good, or will get better soon.

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