Balmy 9 Degrees


Our local weather station in Fort Smith is listing 1 degree now, but OUR thermometers are showing 9, so we’re breaking out the swim suits and are preparing to enjoy the balmy weather.

I feel guilty when I whine, so suffice to say this cold is unusual for Arkansas. We’re dripping water so hopefully our water pipes don’t freeze. With snow predicted to start at noon and continue through tomorrow, my articulate comment is “UGH.”

My husband asked if I would make my hamburger casserole, so I’ll do that today. Unbelievably, our dog, Amber, is still shedding at a fantastic rate, so I’ll put vacuuming the tiled areas on the list for today, as well.

I’m planning to spend part of the day in my art room, experimenting and scheming, if not actually trying to produce something with my new wood-burning (pyrography) tools.

Another thing I was forced to notice, since we’re running water in the bathrooms and keeping the cabinet doors open, is that I need to clean out the under-the-cabinet areas in the two half-baths on our first floor. They are embarrassingly jammed full of ‘stuff’ that I’ve been ignoring for far too long. With the doors open, I can’t ignore them now, so that will go on the list for today, too.

I hope that wherever you are today, you are safe and warm, doing something fun with your day.

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