Thoughts on a Sunday 1-7-2024

I wood-burned these earrings yesterday. I’m adding the hardware and adding them to HandmadeHavenByLinda on Etsy today. Then I’m going to watch another video and put my efforts in another direction. From looking at the Etsy site, it looks like most people are doing laser wood-burning, rather than anything by hand. Maybe I should be getting a “message” from this…. :0)

It’s supposed to be an amazing day, weather-wise. 57 degrees for a high this afternoon. Woo HOOOO! I LOVE IT! I’m hoping we JUST get rain tomorrow and Tuesday, when we’re due at the dentist. Fingers remain crossed.

I hope you enjoy your day today.


Filed under Thoughts on a ________

2 responses to “Thoughts on a Sunday 1-7-2024

  1. You can definitely sell these as handmade. I like them x


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